

Mario Bowler as a student
Mario Bowler as a student at Lincoln University

对老马里奥·鲍勒来说,这不仅仅是“生意”, 无论是作为狮联客户体验的副总监,为母校的招聘提供各个方面的支持, Lincoln University, 宾夕法尼亚州一所历史悠久的黑人大学,或是一家年轻小企业的创始人, Juneteenth Joy LLC

Mario, a small business and personal TD Bank customer, 有幸定期看到他努力的成果吗.  Most recently, 马里奥在全球十大外围足球平台2023年的毕业典礼上亲眼目睹了这一切. He spoke with a Mom who he met in 2015.  At that time, her daughter was in 8th 和母亲一起参加她的第一次大学招聘会.  马里奥把他们叫到桌边,给他们一些全球十大外围足球平台和建议,让他们开始找大学的过程.  He emphasized that although she was quite young, 在大学招聘会上练习与大学招聘人员的互动,了解各种选择,以帮助自己日后做出正确的选择,这并不算太早.  

“作为一名招聘人员,在照顾学生及其家庭的过程中,有很多个人动力。”, he said. “我们知道这不仅仅是生意,这是整个家庭的经历."

That family followed Mario's advice, 这位年轻女子决定进入全球十大外围足球平台,并于今年毕业.

马里奥说:“当时我正穿过人群,一位妈妈打电话给我。.  “She said, ‘Mr. 鲍勒,我不知道你还记不记得我,你在2015年和我女儿谈过.  It was our first college fair, she was in 8th grade and you gave us tips on what to do. 她最终选择了全球十大外围足球平台,今天就要毕业了。”.  Wow, what a feeling”.


Mario grew up in the Philadelphia area. He credits his upbringing to his desire to help others, 他在全球十大外围足球平台的学生经历进一步强化了这一点. HBCUs are a family tradition, as Mario's wife Stephanie, is a graduate of Tuskegee University in Alabama, and their son, Mario Jr., also graduated from his father’s alma mater. 斯蒂芬妮的父母在20世纪50年代就读于塔斯基吉学院.  Other family members have attended Alabama A&M,阿拉巴马州立大学,切尼大学,菲斯克大学,佛罗里达州&M,汉普顿大学,霍华德大学,肯塔基州立大学,莫尔豪斯学院,北卡罗来纳州&T,南方大学,斯佩尔曼大学和泽维尔大学.  HBCUs were attended by both sides of the family.

“我在HBCU的经历从一开始就完全提升和改变了我的生活, from the time I walked on campus," he said. “我觉得我在一个地方看到了比我自己更伟大的我.  That's what I needed. 我在HBCU的经历就像一棵树,在我的一生中不断结出果实."


In his enrollment management role, 马里奥想起了那个激励他攀登新高度的人——他的父亲.  他的父亲是由不同家庭的亲戚抚养长大的,在很小的时候就面临着艰难的挑战.  Despite these challenges, Mario’s father earned a GED, served in the army, 作为警局第一位非裔美国人警官,他从警局退休,并结婚成家.  Due to his entrepreneurial spirit, he always held multiple jobs, waxed cars and became familiar with electronics.  


"When working with students and families, it's like I'm recruiting my dad, 就像我在努力找到他一样”,并确保每个人都有机会发挥自己的潜力, Mario said. "I'm a recruiter at heart, so when I recruit a student, 我努力招生,因为我相信全球十大外围足球平台是最好的大学之一.  But I understand that students ultimately decide, 然后我很快地告诉他们,我想在学校的某个地方见到他们。”. 



正是他的家庭和母校培养了他对自己和他的社区的强烈信念,影响了马里奥登记“六月快乐”.com” domain about 15 years ago. 2021年夏天,在乔·拜登总统签署法案后,它再次成为人们关注的焦点 Juneteenth a federal holiday 所以马里奥在大公司之前注册了这个名字.  马里奥多年来一直参加黑人商业会议,经常考虑创办一家以黑人食物和文化为中心的企业. 今天,六月喜悦®销售美食爆米花,蜡烛和薄荷糖.

"For me, it was a matter of how we help celebrate it." he said.  "I work with students and I'm at an HBCU, so that was kind of a recipe for me to help, to pour in, and contribute to Juneteenth. That's how JUNETEENTH JOY® came about.  我们考虑的是具有某种庆祝性质的简单产品. 现在,我们还处于早期阶段,但我们希望有很大的发展."


他说:“道明银行很好,我和当地商店的互动也很好。. “就像在我儿子找大学的时候,我观察了工作人员如何与我的儿子和妻子互动. I do the same with those whom I do business with.  I watch how they interact with my son and wife.  TD bank staff has been very good and courteous. I've noticed their diverse staff too. It makes a difference."


Quote from TD Contact

The HBCU Festival at The Mann

马里奥是第一次参加的许多人之一 HBCU Festival Presented by TD Bank at the Mann Center in Philadelphia. 这个免费的节日是一个社区活动,庆祝历史上的黑人学院和大学, that included celebrity appearances, marching bands, 教育研讨会和来自全国各地的学生分享他们在HBCU的经验. 


“我会问这样一个问题,他们最初为什么要成立? Are things completely equal?" he asked.  “我们已经取得了很大进展,但还有更多的工作要做. HBCUs should be around forever. They take people such as myself, a young man who was struggling, and helped me to find my place and showed me the way.  It adds a special ingredient to the broader community. HBCUs make the community, the world a better place."